Explore Jordan's Hidden Gems

Discover the magic of Petra, Jerash, and the Dead Sea with Jordan Gems Tours

Jordan Gems Tours offers personalized itineraries and experienced guides for unforgettable tours to hidden gems like Petra, Jerash, and the Dead Sea, ensuring an extraordinary and magical exploration of Jordan

Magical Tours


Visit Petra, a New Seven Wonder, to witness stunning beauty, intricate rock-cut architecture, and immerse yourself in its rich history and culture


Step back in time as you explore the well-preserved ruins of Jerash. Discover the grandeur of the Roman Empire and admire the impressive temples, theaters, and colonnaded streets.

Dead Sea

Experience the Dead Sea's healing properties as you effortlessly float in its salty waters, and relax while taking in the stunning views of the desert landscape

brown concrete building
brown concrete building

Jordan Gems Tours provided a superb experience with knowledgeable and friendly guides, exceeding our expectations

Happy Customers

man in black jacket standing on rocky mountain during daytime
man in black jacket standing on rocky mountain during daytime

Jordan Gems tours were well-organized, showing us the best of Jordan quickly, highly recommended

body of water near buildings during night time
body of water near buildings during night time

Jordan Gems Tours offered a fantastic time exploring Petra and other hidden gems with passionate guides

man in brown shirt sitting on pink truck during daytime
man in brown shirt sitting on pink truck during daytime

Jordan Gems Tours made our trip unforgettable with well-planned tours and exceptional guides

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